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Recruiting a Postdoc researcher on ADR ERC project EU Civil Justice in Rotterdam

Erasmus School of Law has a vacancy for a postdoc position for a subproject on ADR within the ERC Consolidator project: ‘Building EU civil justice: challenges of procedural innovations bridging access to justice’ (

DynamInt: 7 PhD positions at Humboldt-University Berlin

The Faculty of Law of Humboldt-University Berlin invites applications for 7 doctoral positions (Research fellowships with 3/4-part-time-employment – E 13 TV-L HU1, third party funding, short-term until 30 November 2021, prolongation is possible; engagement intended until 1 December 2019) Job description: Research activities in the doctoral programme “Dynamic Integration – Law in-between Harmonisation and Plurality […]

Cross-Border Enforcement in the EU (“IC2BE”) – programme workshop Netherlands 14 November

Workshop: Application of the “Second Generation” Regulations in The Netherlands The Erasmus School of Law (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands) will host a second national workshop on Thursday, 14 November 2019 from 9.30-13.00 hrs, in the framework of the research project “Informed Choices in Cross-Border Enforcement” (IC2BE) (see our first