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First contact of Greek courts with the 2005 Hague Choice of Court Convention

The Choice of Court Convention is already close to its 5th year of application. Case law is still scarce. A Greek court tackled with the question, whether to apply the Convention or not. It decided that it should apply, but at the end it considered that the agreement was asymmetric, therefore outside the scope of […]

ECJ, judgment of 7 May 2020, C-641/18 – Rina, on the concepts of ‘civil and commercial matters’ and ‘administrative matters’ under Article 1 Brussels I Regulation

Today, the ECJ decided in case C-641/18 –  LG and Others v. Rina SpA, Ente Registro Italiano Navale, on the concepts of ‘civil and commercial matters’ and ‘administrative matters’ under Article 1 Brussels I Regulation. The case arose from the following facts: 14      LG and Others — relatives of the victims and survivors of the sinking of […]

The Organization of American States is launching a weekly virtual forum “Inter-American law in times of pandemic” and the Hague Conference has published a COVID-19 Toolkit

The Organization of American States (OAS) has announced that it is launching a weekly virtual forum entitled “Inter-American law in times of pandemic”.  It begins on Monday 11 May at 11:00 am (EDT, local time in Washington, D.C.).  The first session