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Job Vacancy: Doctoral Researcher in Private International Law

The University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law announced a call for application to the newly opened position of assistant, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. It is a full-time position for the duration of the project (approximately 4 years) which is focused on research rather than teaching. The candidate will be expected to complete the […]

Job Vacancy: Researchers in Private International Law and in International Business Law

Professor Matthias Lehmann, Chair of Private International and Comparative Law at the University of Vienna (from 1 September 2020), seeks highly skilled and ambitious research fellows (“prae-docs”). Successful candidates will hold a first law degree from any jurisdiction, possess an excellent command of English, and have a basic knowledge of German. Knowledge of other languages […]

Hague Academy of International Law: Deadline to apply for the 2021 Centre for Studies and Research (postponement of the 2020 edition) until September 1st, 2020