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Out now: Calliess/Renner (eds.), Rome Regulations, Commentary, Third Edition 2020

This book is an article-by-article ‘German-style’ commentary on the Rome I, II and III Regulations on European Union (EU) conflict of laws. It describes and systematically explains black letter law as applied by the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) and the Member State courts.

Out now: Leonardo de Oliveira/Sara Hourani (eds.), Access to Justice in Arbitration

Access to justice is not a new topic. Since Mauro Cappelletti and Bryant Garth’s survey of different methods to promote access to justice was published (Access to Justice. A World Survey (Giueffre SIJTHOFF 1978), making access to justice cheaper and effective has become a legal policy (see for instance The Right Honourable the Lord Woolf […]