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Virtual Workshop (in English) on July 6: Hannah Buxbaum on Equivalence Regimes in Transnational Regulation: From Comparability to Convergence
Equivalence Regimes in Transnational Regulation: From Comparability to Convergence
Video Recording of the Nigeria Group on Private International Law Inaugural Lecture
The Nigeria Group on Private International Law held its inaugural lecture on June 21, 2021. The video recording of the event is now available on the Group’s website: here
CJEU on the effects of European Certificate of Succession and its certified copy in the case Vorarlberger Landes- und Hypotheken-Bank, C-301/20
Back in April we reported about the Opinion delivered by AG Campos Sánchez-Bordona in the case Vorarlberger Landes- und Hypotheken-Bank, C-301/20, which revolves around the effects produced by an European Certificate of Succession and its certified copy, time-wise (first and third questions) as well as ratione personae, by reason of the person concerned (second question). At the request of the Court, the Opinion covered only the third preliminary question. In today’s judgment, the Court addresses all three questions.