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Out now: Holger Jacobs, Das Haager Anerkennungs- und Vollstreckungsübereinkommen vom 2. Juli 2019, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2021, pp. 432
An important publication on the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention has come out: Holger Jacob’s PhD thesis, “Das Haager Anerkennungs- und Vollstreckungsübereinkommen vom 2. Juli 2019“, supervised by our esteemed colleague Peter Huber, University of Mainz, Germany. The book is certainly the most comprehensive treatise on the subject matter in German language at this moment, and it is highly recommended: thorough analysis and precision invite anyone interested in the topic to study concepts and details of the new core element of the “Hague system” for judicial cooperation in civil matters.
JLMI Call for papers: The interplay of physical and digital trade law
The Journal of Law, Market & Innovation (JLMI) is a new initiative of the Turin Observatory on Economic Law and Innovation. The JLMI is an open access journal of the University of Turin that aims at fostering research with respect to the regulatory challenges posed by markets and innovation in our times. The JLMI relies on an interdisciplinary methodology. More information at
In its yearly Special Issue, which is a joint initiative with the Master in International Trade Law and to which this call for papers is addressed, it focuses on international and comparative approaches to trade law with the goal of offering to the readers challenging ideas, critical insights and new perspectives.
This Call concerns the first Special Issue to be published in Spring 2022 on The interplay of physical and digital trade law. The Call aims at gathering contributions that question to what extent technology and digital trust are changing global trade law, and discuss the implications, for the regulation of global trade, of the interplay of physical trade and the digitalization of the economy.
The editors of the issue are University of Turin’s dr Lorenza Mola, Professor of International Law and 2020-2021 scientific director of the Master, dr Cristina Poncibò, Professor of Comparative Private Law and member of the Scientific Committee of the Master, and dr Elena D’Alessandro, Professor of Civil Procedure and member of the Scientific Committee of the Master.
The following topics and perspectives may be taken into considerations, among others: Trade, Digital Trust and Human Trust; Contract Digitalization and B2B platforms; Trade, DLTs, Blockchain; E-customs; Digital Justice and Trade; Perspectives from China and the Global South. The editors invite submissions addressing the legal aspects underpinning questions such as: Are the main drivers of physical trade challenged?; Trade and essential infrastructures: what lessons learned from the Suez Channel case?; Does digitalization really change trade?; Is global trade really going digital?; How to adapt dispute settlement mechanisms to digital trade? How is the Belt and Road Initiative shaping the physical/digital interplay in global trade? What is the impact of COVID-19 on such interplay?
Authors are invited to address questions and issues arising from the specific area of law relating to their topic. All types of legal approaches will be considered for publication. However, please note that any analysis solely limited to a national legal system will fall outside the scope of the Journal. An international, supranational or transnational legal dimension is imperative. The Board of Editors will select articles based on quality of research and writing, diversity, and relevance of topic. The contributions from the Alumni of the Master programme are particularly welcomed. The novelty of the academic contribution is also an essential requirement.
Prospective articles should be submitted in the form of abstract (around 800 words) or draft articles (see below) to within August 31, 2021. Accepted authors will be notified within September 10, 2021. Final articles shall be delivered within December 10, 2021 and should conform to the journal style guide that is based on OSCOLA. Typically, the JLMI accepts contributions within the range of 10.000 to 15.000 words, including footnotes, but both shorter and longer articles will be considered. Pre-selected articles will be subject to single-blind peer review. For further information, or for consultation on a potential submission, you can contact us by email at
Conference and open access book: The Private Side of Transforming our World – UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law – 9 to 11 September 2021
The Conference will take place in a hybrid format, i.e. both at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg and virtually via Zoom. English-Spanish and Spanish-English simultaneous translation for the Conference will be provided by professional interpreters.
The Conference Program and further information can be found via this LINK.
Please register for participation at the Conference via Zoom HERE.