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Family status, Identities and Private International Law, 5 and 12 May 2022, Swiss Institute of Comparative Law

The Swiss Institute of Comparative Law is organising two video conferences on Family status, Identities and Private International Law. A Critical Assessment in the Light of Fundamental Rights on 5 and 12 May 2022.

See the programme.

For further information and registration:

Registration open: JPrivIntL-SMU Virtual Conference on Conflicts of Jurisdiction (23 to 24 June 2022)

As previously announced, the Journal of Private International Law-Singapore Management University Virtual Conference on Conflicts of Jurisdiction will be held online on 23 to 24 June 2022 (6.00 pm to 10.20 pm Singapore time, 11.00 am to 3.20 pm British Summer Time on each day). The event is supported by the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH). The conference is intended to support the ongoing work of the HCCH on Jurisdiction. The speakers are leading private international law scholars and experts, many of whom are directly involved in the ongoing negotiations at the HCCH. Attendance at the conference is complimentary for academics, government and international organisation officials, Journal of Private International Law Advisory Board members and students. Registration is required. More information on the conference and the link to register can be found here.

EJN: Children from Ukraine — Civil Judicial Cooperation

The European Judicial Network on civil and commercial matters has just published information and resources relating to civil judicial cooperation in the context of children from Ukraine. The “Children from Ukraine — civil judicial cooperation” webpage is available on the e-Justice Portal in all EU languages and provides:

  • a summary of the legal rules that apply to judicial cooperation in cross-border cases involving Ukrainian children (i.e. questions of jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition of decisions, and cooperation between authorities);
  • relevant information on Ukrainian family law;
  • useful links and resources.

The information is intended for judges, lawyers, notaries, and central authorities, as well as child protection officials and others dealing with the registration of children arriving in EU Member States.

For more information, see the following link: