Uruguay: General Law of Private International Law Project about to be passed into Law

The new Uruguayan General Law of Private International Law has passed the Senate and will now be submitted to the House of Representatives. (The hearing in the Senate can be watched here, starting at 2:14:40.) This means that a project that was initiated in 1994 by Didier Opertti Badán will finally come to fruition. ASADIP’s blog provides a note by Cecilia Fresnedo that lays out, in Spanish, the arduous path that the project took between 1994 and now. It is also possible to download the draft legislation. Another brief note by Claudia Madrid Martínez is on the excellent blog cartas blogatorias.

Despite its small size, Uruguay has long been one of the leaders of private international law in Latin America, and has been highly regarded worldwide. Cecilia Fresnedo reported on the project last year at a conference on the role of academia in Latin American private international law at the Max Planck Institute; she has written on Uruguayan Private International Law – Past and Future in the Festschrift for Herbert Kronke that came out earlier this year. The 2016 draft of the law is here; an  appreciation by José Antonio Tomás Ortíz de la Torre is here.