The University of Heidelberg has been asked to head Study JLS/C4/2005/03 by the EU Commission, concerning the application of Regulation 44/2001/EC ("Brussels I"). The full description of the study is as follows:
The European Commission has asked Prof. Hess, Prof. Pfeiffer and Prof. Schlosser (University of Munich) to elaborate a comparative study concerning the evaluation of the practical application of the " Brussels I" Regulation in the 25 European Member States. The study shall prepare a report for the Commission on the application and on the future revision and improvement of the Regulation (see Article 73 Reg. 44/01/EC). The specific objective of the study is to conduct an empirical analysis of the application of Regulation 44/2001/EC.
For the preparation of the study, three questionnaires have been elaborated: The first aims at collecting statistical data about the application of the Regulation. The second focuses on collecting empirical information about the performance of the Brussels I Regulation. The last questionnaire addresses legal problems of the Regulation. The questionnaires are going to be sent to national reporters in the Member States. They will be transmitted to interested and experienced persons in the respective countries, i.e. judges, lawyers, bailiffs who are practising in the field of the Brussels Regulation. In addition, the collaborators of the project will contact and interview persons and ask them about their practical experience with the Brussels Regulation.
The organisers of the study are now looking for persons in all EU-Member States who are willing to answer the questions and to provide us with the necessary information. Everyone is invited to answer the questionnaires and to contact the the collaborators of the Institute.
To learn more about the Study, and to contribute, log on to their website.