ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 1/2025

A new issue of ZEuP – Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht is now available and includes contributions on EU private law, comparative law and legal history, legal unification, private international law, and individual European private law regimes. The full table of content can be accessed here: https://rsw.beck.de/zeitschriften/zeup.

The following contributions might be of particular interest for the readers of this blog:

  • Globaler Klimaschutz und Internationales Privatrecht
    Meik Thöne on climate change and private international law: The consequences of climate change are perceptible worldwide and increasingly reflected in serious cases of damage. If the question is raised whether and how these cases should be compensated, the answer requires the determination of the applicable law but also to consider the relevance of permissions under public law and to determine the limits of private law solutions in order to thereby balance the affected individual rights and public welfare concerns.
  • On the Run from the Danish Social Authorities – An Analysis of the Danish Regulations causing a Cross-Border Flight Phenomenon to Evade Social Services’ Interference in Family Life
    Anne Mørk and Hanne Hartoft on the situation in Denmark causing parents to cross borders to evade social services: Some pregnant women are fleeing Denmark to avoid their children being placed in foster care immediately after birth and possibly adopted without their consent. This raises the question of whether Danish legislation is too extreme and at odds with basic human rights principles. In this article, the Danish legislation is analysed in light of the case law from the European Court of Human Rights. The conclusion is that the errors and shortcomings in the processing of cases give reason to be concerned.
  • Gründungstheorie qua Niederlassungsfreiheit – eine sehr versteckte Kollisionsnorm? Urteil des EuGH vom 25. April 2024
    Maria-Teresa Kratzer comments on the decision by the ECJ in Edil Work 2, addressing the law applicable to companies.
  • Konkludente bzw. fiktive Rechtswahl – Zu den Anforderungen nach Art. 22 II Alt. 2 EuErbVO bzw. Art. 83 IV EuErbVO
    Thomas Sagstetter
    discusses a decision of the Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe on the choice of law in succession matters.