HCCH about to establish Regional Office for Africa (ROAF)
As was mentioned before on this blog, increasing the participation of African states in the HCCH appears to be the most promising avenue to strengthen judicial cooperation on the African continent in the context of intracontinental, interregional as well as global judicial integration. Following several unsuccessful attempts to establish a physical presence on the African continent,[1] the HCCH Council on General Affairs and Policy (CGAP) has now warmly welcomed the Kingdom of Morocco’s proposal to host and, perhaps most importantly, entirely fund a HCCH Regional Office for Africa (ROAF) in Rabat.[2] While the capital of multilingual Morocco, at the crossroads of North Africa with both Europe and the Arab world, seems to be an ideal location for such an endeavor, the proposal does not (yet?) appear to also include the Arabian Peninsula. However, as the Moroccan Ministry of Justice is explicitly seeking to play an active role in the framework of the League of Arab States (LAS) as well,[3] it is not unlikely that the ROAF will follow the example of the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (ROLAC) in Buenos Aires and the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP) in Hong Kong and cover a broader regional spectrum.
The excerpt from the HCCH CGAP 2025 Conclusions and Decisions (C&D) reads as follows:
A. Proposal for the Establishment of a Regional Office for Africa
83 CGAP warmly welcomed the proposal of the Kingdom of Morocco to host a Regional Office for Africa (ROAF) and decided that the office may be opened in accordance with the 2020 Rules for the Establishment of Regional Offices (2020 Rules). The Regional Office, which will be located in Rabat, shall operate continuously for a period of five years. CGAP will conduct a Performance Review, in accordance with Rules 6 to8 of the 2020 Rules.
84 CGAP noted with satisfaction, and thanks, the Kingdom of Morocco’s commitment to fund the entire operation of the Regional Office. CGAP also reaffirmed that the Representative shall report exclusively to the Secretary General of the HCCH. The Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and the Secretary General will finalise the Host Seat Agreement in light of the comments made by Members at CGAP 2025. The final version of the Agreement shall be shared with Members for information.
The full HCCH CGAP 2025 C&D are now available on the HCCH Website (here).
[1] See HCCH Prel. Doc. No. 6 of 2015 – Africa Strategy, paras 7 and 10.
[2] HCCH CGAP 2025 C&D, paras. 83 et seq.
[3] Press Release of the Kingdom of Morocco’s Ministry of Justice of March 2025.