Third seminar on Rights In Rem – Tarragona, 4-5 April 2024

Third International Seminar on Rights In Rem in the European Union “Conflict of Laws on rights in rem in the EU: Status Quo and Proposals for the Future” is the closing dissemination activity within the project PID2020-112609GB-I0 Property Rights System over Tangible Goods in the Field of European Private International Law: Aspects of International Jurisdiction and Applicable Law, funded by the Spanish Government.
The seminar aims to offer discussions on various aspects of the conflict of laws rules concerning rights in rem. The debate is particularly relevant at a time when more and more academic associations (GEDIP and EAPIL) and other actors in private international law advocate for a legislative proposal by the European Union in this field. The rich conference programme will surely be of interest to many, and infromation about the venue and registration is available at the conference webpage.
This seminar is organised by the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona), the University of Barcelona and the University of Lleida, as well as the First and the Second seminars.