Just published: De los retos a las oportunidades en el derecho de familia y sucesiones internacional. (2023). Tirant lo Blanch – open access

This book brings together the contributions made at the 6th AEPDIRI Seminar on current issues in Private International Law, held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Seville, which was entitled “De los retos a las oportunidades en el derecho de familia y sucesiones internacional” (From challenges to opportunities in international family and succession law), Campuzano Díaz, B., Diago Diago, P., Rodríguez Vázquez, Mª.A. (dirs.). An English translation of the blurb is provided by the directors:

The book is structured in four thematic sections. The first one is dedicated to Regulation 2019/1111 and its application in Spain, analysing important issues related to international child abduction and divorce before non-judicial authorities and its recognition. The second thematic section is dedicated to the economic regime of marriage and the couple, inheritance and the organisation of family assets, with reflections on the impact of the principle of equality between spouses and the protection of assets through international estate planning institutions, among other issues. The third section deals with questions of civil status and the solutions provided by the Spanish Civil Registry Law, with special attention to filiation in Private International Law from the perspective of the protection of fundamental rights and the respect for family life. The fourth section includes studies about current realities, such as situations of domestic violence in cases of international child abduction, negotiable institutions and their place in the succession Regulations and the interpretation of private international family law in different High Courts (CJEU and ECtHR).

It is a book of great interest, not only because of the importance and diversity of the subjects dealt with, but also because of the important group of specialists in international family and succession law who have participated in its drafting.

The book is published in digital and open access format:

