Dutch Journal of PIL (NIPR) – issue 2023/4

The latest issue of the Dutch Journal on Private International Law (NIPR) has just been published

NIPR 2023 issue 4



I. Sumner, The next stops on the European international family law train / p. 569-571

The European legislature is not yet finished with the Europeanisation of private international family law. This editorial briefly introduces two new proposals, namely the Proposal for a European Parentage Regulation and the Proposal for a European Adult Protection Regulation.


B. van Houtert, Het Haags Vonnissenverdrag: een game changer in Nederland? Een rechtsvergelijkende analyse tussen het verdrag en het commune IPR / p. 573-596

On 1 September 2023, the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention (HJC) entered into force in the Netherlands. This article examines whether the HJC can be considered as a game changer in the Netherlands. Therefore, a legal comparison has been made between the HJC and Dutch Private International Law (PIL) on the recognition and enforcement of non-EU judgments in civil and commercial matters. This article shows that the HJC can promote the recognition and enforcement of judgments rendered by non-EU countries in the Netherlands mainly because of the facultative nature of the grounds for refusal in Article 7 HJC. Furthermore, the complementary effect of Dutch PIL on the basis of Article 15 HJC facilitates recognition as some indirect grounds of jurisdiction are broader or less stringent, and some grounds are lacking in Article 5(1) HJC. Compared to the uncodified Dutch PIL, the HJC provides procedural advantages as well as legal certainty that is beneficial to cross-border trade, mobility and dispute resolution. Moreover, preserving the foreign judgment, instead of replacement by a Dutch judgment, serves to respect the sovereignty of states as well as international comity. Despite the limited scope of application, there is an added value of the HJC in the Netherlands because of its possible application by analogy in the Dutch courts, as a Supreme Court’s ruling shows. The Convention can also be an inspiration for the future codification of the Dutch PIL on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments regarding civil matters. Furthermore, the application of the Convention by analogy will contribute to international legal harmony. Based on the aforementioned (potential) benefits and added value of the HJC, this article concludes that this Convention can be considered as a game changer in the Netherlands.

K.J. Krzeminski, Te goed van vertrouwen? Een kanttekening bij het advies van de Staatscommissie voor het Internationaal Privaatrecht tot herziening van artikel 431 Rv / p. 597-618

In February 2023, the Dutch Standing Government Committee for Private International Law rendered its advice on the possible revision of Article 431 Dutch Code of Civil Proceedings (DCCP). This statutory provision concerns the recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments in civil matters to which no enforcement treaty or EU regulation applies. While paragraph 1 of Article 431 DCCP prohibits the enforcement of such foreign court judgments absent an exequatur regime, paragraph 2 opens up the possibility for new proceedings before the Dutch courts. In such proceedings, the Dutch Courts are free to grant authority to the foreign court’s substantive findings, provided that the foreign judgment meets four universal recognition requirements. The Standing Government Committee proposes to fundamentally alter the system under Article 431 DCCP, by inter alia introducing automatic recognition of all foreign court judgments in the Netherlands. In this article, the concept of and the justification for such an automatic recognition are critically reviewed.

B.P.B. Sequeira, The applicable law to business-related human rights torts under the Rome II Regulation / p. 619-640

As the momentum for corporate liability for human rights abuses grows, and as corporations are being increasingly brought to justice for human rights harms that they have caused or contributed to in their global value chains through civil legal action based on the law of torts, access to a remedy remains challenging. Indeed, accountability and proper redress rarely occur, namely due to hurdles such as establishing the law that is applicable law to the proceedings. This article aims to analyse the conflict-of-laws rules provided for under the Rome II Regulation, which determines the applicable law to business and human rights tort actions brought before EU Courts against European parent or lead corporations. In particular, we will focus on their solutions and impact on access to a remedy for victims of corporate human rights abuses, reflecting on the need to adapt these conflict rules or to come up with new solutions to ensure that European corporations are held liable for human rights harms taking place in their value chains in a third country territory.


M.H. ten Wolde, Over de grenzen van de Europese Erfrechtverklaring. HvJ EU 9 maart 2023, ECLI:EU:C:2023:184, NIPR 2023-753 (R. J. R./Registr? centras V?) / p. 641-648

A European Certificate of Succession issued in one Member State proves in another Member State that the person named therein as heir possesses that capacity and may exercise the rights and powers listed in the certificate. On the basis of the European Certificate of Succession, inter alia, foreign property can be registered in the name of the relevant heir. In the Lithuanian case C-354/21 R. J. R. v Registr? centras V?, the question arose whether the receiving country may impose additional requirements for such registration when there is only one heir. The Advocate General answered this question differently from the European Court of Justice. Which view is to be preferred?


K. de Bel, Verslag symposium ‘Grootschalige (internationale) schadeclaims in het strafproces: beste praktijken en lessen uit het MH 17 proces’ / p. 649-662

On 17 November 2022, the District Court of The Hague delivered its final verdict in the criminal case against those involved in the downing of flight MH17 over Ukraine. This case was unique in many ways: because of its political and social implications, the large number of victims and its international aspects. The huge number and the international nature of the civil claims for damages exposed several practical bottlenecks and legal obstacles that arise when civil claims are joined to criminal proceedings. These obstacles and bottlenecks, which all process actors had to address, were the focus of the symposium ‘Large-scale (international) civil claims for damages in the criminal process: best practices and questions for the legislator based on the MH17 trial’ that took place on 10 October 2023. A summary of the presentations and discussions is provided in this article.