Summer school on Consumer’s Rights and Market Regulation in the EU invites applicants

We can feel it in the air but also in the incoming announcements – the summer is approaching. One of the great ways to spend a part of it is at a summer school. The University of Uidne (Italy) is the host to the 16th edition of the summer school Consumer’s Rights and Market Regulation in the European Union, to be held on 12-21 July 2023.

The programme addresses aspects of legal protection of consumers and market regulation, including the private international law topics, and a moot court. The full schedule is available here. The course accepts undergraduate students, graduates (who graduated no more than five years ago), PhD students from faculties of law, economics, political science or international relations., and limited amount of posts are available on the academic qualifications bases. The early bird is until 30 April 12:00 pm GMT, and the enrollment closes on 31 May 12:00 pm GMT. For details, please consult the Call for applications Udine Summer School 2023.

The summer school is organised within the Jean Monnet Module “CoRiMaR” (Consumer’s Rights and Market Regulation in the European Union) by the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Udine (Italy), together with a consortium of European universities including University of Essex (UK), De Montfort University (UK), Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (Romania), East Anglia University (UK), University of Belgrade (Serbia), University of Rijeka (Croatia) and University of Szeged (Hungary).