Jürgen Basedow 1949-2023

Jürgen Basedow, a giant of private international law (and numerous other disciplines), has died –  suddenly, and completely unexpectedly, on April 6. He was my teacher (though only briefly so in a formal position), my predecessor as director of the Hamburg Max Planck Institute (where he served as director 1997-2017) and my colleague as an emeritus. His (impressive) vita is still visible on the MPI website.

Words fail me, as they have many, and so I will not attempt to write more here. A longer appreciation of his life and work and personality is in preparation. Until then, you may wish to read one or more of the following announcements that I am aware of; please announce in the comments or by email what I may have overlooked.

Also, the Hamburg Max Planck Institute is setting up a virtual book of condolences. Please consider sharing your own appreciation there, even if you have already written them up somewhere else.


Longer appreciations:

Corinna Budras at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Giesela Rühl at EAPIL

Federico Garau at conflictuslegum

José Carlos Fernández Rozas at his personal blog

Manfred Wandt at VersROnline

Konrad Duden / Matteo Fornasier in EuZW 2023, 395-396

Eva-Maria Kieninger / Ralf Michaels in RabelsZ 87 (2023), 229-235

Anatol Dutta / Christian Heinz in JZ 2023, 610-611

Brief online announcements:


Max Planck Institute for International and Comparative Law, Hamburg

Leuphana University

Tbilisi University

Università degli Studi di Pavia

International Academy of Comparative Law


Brief appreciations on social media (incomplete)

Vasco Becker-Weinberg, Pejovic Caslav, Axel Halfmeier, Matthias Kurth, Michael Kubiciel, Monopolkommission, Gülüm Özçelik, Mateusz Pilich