FAMIMOVE (FAMIlies on the MOVE) – the website is now live!

FAMIMOVE is an international project co-funded by the European Commission under the JUST-2022-JCOO program. The FAMIMOVE website is now live and may be consulted by clicking here.

The project  aims to improve the protection of migrant children and families by bringing actual practice more in line with EU goals and values, such as the protection of fundamental rights and best interests of the child. It also seeks to provide more effectiveness to EU objectives through a better coordination of instruments in overlapping fields, such as Regulations in private international law in family law matters and migration law rules. The duration of the project is 24 months (from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2024). For more information, click here.

The Consortium is coordinated by Prof. Marta Pertegás Sender (University of Maastricht) and is comprised of the following partners: Prof. Bettina Heiderhoff (University of Münster), Prof. Costanza Honorati (University of Milano-Bicocca); Prof. Fabienne Jault (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Prof. Ulf Maunsbach (Lund University), Prof. Orsolya Szeibert (Eötvös Loránd University) and Prof. Jinske Verhellen (Ghent University). Each Partner is further supported by colleagues with expertise in  cross-cutting fields, thus bringing together experts who are representatives from a large range of European regions. More information is available here.

FAMIMOVE (actually, FAMIMOVE 2.0) is a spin-off of an earlier project with the same name, which was very successful and resulted in two insightful documents published by the European Parliament: Children on the Move: A Private International Law Perspective and Private International Law in a Context of Increasing International Mobility: Challenges and Potential.

Any new developments on FAMIMOVE will be published here – stay tuned!