Conference on the extension of the jurisdictional heads of the Brussels Ia Regulation (3 May 2023 in Turin)

On 3 May 2023, a conference entitled L’estensione dei titoli giurisdizionali del Regolamento Bruxelles Ibis ai convenuti non domiciliate nell’UE will be held at Palazzo Capris, Via Santa Maria 1 in Turin, Italy.

The conference will focus on the possibility of an extension of the jurisdictional rules of the Brussels Ibis Regulation to non EU-defendants. The topic has also been covered by the 3rd project of the EAPIL Young Research Network and the forthcoming book condensing the results of that project will in fact be presented during the conference.

The conference will be held – for the most part – in Italian.

All are welcome to attend the conference in person. Remote attendance is also possible: the link can be requested at

The full programme is available here.