EFFORTS Final Conference (University of Milan, 30 September 2022)
The Final Conference of the EFFORTS Project
- Date: Friday, 30 September 2022
- Venue: Università degli Studi di Milano – Sala Napoleonica, Via Sant’Antonio, 12 (Milan, Italy) (remote participation is also available)
The Conference is the final event of the EFFORTS (Towards more EFfective enFORcemenT of claimS in civil and commercial matters within the EU) Project, funded by the European Union and conducted by the University of Milan (coord.), the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law, the University of Heidelberg, the Free University of Brussels, the University of Zagreb, and the University of Vilnius.
The Conference will provide an international forum where academics, policymakers, and practitioners discuss the Project’s key findings and exchange their views on the national implementation of – and the path forward for – the EFFORTS Regulations (i.e., the Brussels I-bis Regulation and the Regulations on the European Enforcement Order, the European Small Claims Procedure, the European Payment Order, and the European Account Preservation Order).
The Conference will tackle, in particular:
- Current challenges in the EU rules on cross-border enforcement of claims
- The interaction between the EFFORTS Regulations and national enforcement procedures
- Future perspectives for the re-drafting of EU rules on cross-border enforcement of claims
The working language is English; simultaneous translation in Italian will be available.
Registration is compulsory. More information is available here.

Project JUST-JCOO-AG-2019-881802
With financial support from the Civil Justice Programme of the European Union