Overriding Mandatory Rules in the Law of the EU Member States: Webinar of the EAPIL Young EU Private International Law Research Network

On Monday, 16 November 2020, starting at 9.15 am CET, the Young EU Private International Law Research Network of the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL), organizes a webinar on “Overriding Mandatory Rules in the Law of the EU Member States”.

In two sessions, Young PIL researchers from various EU Member States will discuss selected issues related to overriding mandatory rules, such as their explicit legislative characterization in recent EU directives and their application by arbitral tribunals.

Subsequently, the General Report of the second Young EU PIL project, namely “The Application of Overriding Mandatory Norms outside the Scope of Application of the EU Private International Law Regulations” as well as some national perspectives will be presented. The concluding discussion of the webinar is dedicated to future initiatives and projects of the Research Network.

All young PIL researchers who are interested in joining the webinar and/or the Young EU Private International Research Network are cordially invited to send an e-mail to youngeupil@gmail.com. Attendance is free of charge. Details regarding the virtual attendance will be sent to all registered participants.

The programme reads as follows:

9.15 am   Opening of the conference – Tamás SZABADOS (ELTE)

Session I – Chair: Florian HEINDLER (Sigmund Freund University Vienna)

9.20 am   Ennio PIOVESANI (University of Turin/University of Cologne): Overriding Mandatory Rules in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic

9.35 am   Martina MELCHER (University of Graz): Substantive EU Regulations as Overriding Mandatory Provisions?

9.50 am   Johannes UNGERER (University of Oxford): Explicit Legislative Characterization of Overriding Mandatory Provisions in EU Directives

10:05 am   Uglješa GRUŠI? (University College London): Some Recent Developments Regarding the Treatment of Mandatory Rules of Third Countries

10.20-10:35 am   Discussion

Session II – Chair: Dr. Eduardo Alvarez-Armas (Brunel University London)

10.45 am   Katarzyna BOGDZEVI? (Mykolas Romeris University): Overriding Mandatory Provisions in Family Law and Personal Status Issues

11.00 am   Markus PETSCHE (Central European University): The Application of Mandatory Rules by Arbitral Tribunals

11.15 am   István ERD?S (ELTE): Imperative Rules in Investment Arbitration

11.30-11.45 am   Discussion

Young EU PIL Project: The Application of Overriding Mandatory Norms outside the Scope of Application of the EU Private International Law Regulations

2.00 pm   Tamás SZABADOS (ELTE): Presentation and Discussion of the General Report

2.15 pm   Stefano DOMINELLI (University of Genoa) and Ennio PIOVESANI (University of Turin/University of Cologne): Italian Perspective

Holger JACOBS (University of Mainz): German Perspective

Dora ZGRABLJI? ROTAR (University of Zagreb): Croatian Perspective. Overriding Mandatory Rules and the Proposal on the Law Applicable to the Third-party Effects of Assignments of Claims

3.00 -3.30 pm   Future of the Young EU Private International Law Network (Chair: Martina MELCHER and Tamás SZABADOS)