Out now: Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft -Abstracts

The most recent issue of the Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft (German Journal of Comparative Law; Vol. 119 [2020], No.1) contains the following articles:

Ahmad Natour, Hebrew University, and Talia Einhorn, Ariel University (Israel): The Application of Islamic Law in Israel – Issues of Filiation between Secular and Religious Law, ZVglRWiss 119 (2020) 1–40

This article (in English) presents a critical study of the application of Islamic law in Israel with respect to the establishment of filiation and its effects on Muslim families in Israel considering in particular the interplay between religious and secular law.

Sebastian Omlor, University of Marburg (Germany): Digitales Eigentum an Blockchain-Token – rechtsvergleichende Entwicklungslinien, ZVglRWiss 119 (2020) 41–58

The process of digitalization involves classical and analogue fields of law like property law and object-related legal institutions like property. The paper analyses the openness and flexibility of different jurisdictions concerning the absolute (inter omnes) status of blockchain tokens by a legal comparison of, inter alia, England, California, Germany, and Liechtenstein.

Chris Thomale, University of Vienna (Austria): Herstellerhaftungsklagen – Internationaler Deliktsgerichtsstand und anwendbares Recht bei reinen Vermögensschäden wegen versteckter Produktmängel, ZVglRWiss 119 (2020) 59–110

Product liability has evolved to become an important building block of modern consumer protection. Recent lawsuits, notably surrounding the Dieselgate scandal of German car manufacturers, show that such liability claims typically involve crossborder elements. This paper explores the international procedural and conflict of laws aspects of such lawsuits. It is aimed at raising awareness for victim protection as the overarching principle of both special jurisdiction for tort claims and the conflict of tort laws rule.

In addition, this issue – ZVglRWiss 119 (2020) 111–119 – contains a very elaborate essay of Felix M. Wilke, University of Bayreuth, who reviews “How European is European Private International Law?”, edited by Jan von Hein, Giesela Rühl and Eva-Maria Kieninger (2019). On this book, see also our previous post here.