Out now: Festschrift 40 Jahre IPRG

Celebrating the 40th birthday of the Austrian Private International Law Act, scholars from numerous European countries have contributed to a festschrift of more than 400 pages edited by Florian Heindler (Sigmund Freud University Vienna). The essays focus on the possible reform of the Austrian PIL Act, its value, and its role as a national PIL Codification influenced and partly derogated by EU legislation. The contributions from Andrea Bonomi (in English), Axel Flessner, Fabienne Jault-Seseke, Thomas John, Caroline Sophie Rupp, Thomas Bachner, Ena-Marlis Bajons Wolfgang Faber, Edwin Gitschthaler, Florian Heindler, Helmut Heiss, Brigitta Lurger, Martina Melcher, Andreas Schwartze, and Bea Verschraegen deal with the general part of the PIL act and specific issues such as conflict of laws in family, property, succession, and company law matters.

The table of contents can be accessed here.