German Society of International Law: Corporate social responsibility and international law

In April 2019 the German Society of International Law (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht) held its 36th biannual conference at the University of Vienna. Organised by August Reinisch (University of Vienna) in cooperation with Eva Maria Kieninger (University of Würzburg) and Anne Peters (Max Planck Institute Heidelberg), the conference  discussed the concept of „Corporate social responsibility“ from both a public and a private international law perspective. Presentations were given by Tanja Domej (University of Zurich), Oliver Dörr (University of Osnabrück), Anatol Dutta (University of Munich), Peter Hilpold (University of Innsbruck), Stefan Huber (University of Tübingen), Nico Krisch (Graduate Institut of Geneva), Giesela Rühl (University of Jena/Humboldt-University of Berlin) and Silja Vöneky (University of Freiburg).

Over the course of the next days will present the main findings of the contributions in a series of blogposts. The full (German) contributions can be found in the conference proceedings that have just been published by C.F. Müller.