Call for participants: Second Meeting of the Young EU Private International Law Research Network

This spring, the first meeting of the newly established Young EU Private International Law Research Network  was held at the University of Würzburg (please find more information about this event here). The first research project and meeting in Würzburg dealt with the “Recognition/Acceptance of Legal Situations” in the EU.

The cooperation involving the young generation of private international lawyers is intended to be continued with annual conferences. The next meeting of the network will take place at ELTE Eötvös Loránd University,Budapest on  20 March 2020. The conference will focus on overriding mandatory provisionswith particular regard to national legislation and court practice outside the scope of application of the EU private international law regulations. The provisions of the EU private international law regulations, and in particular the Rome I and II Regulations, on overriding mandatory provisions and the related case law received considerable attention among commentators. However, less attention has been devoted to the treatment of overriding mandatory provisions in the law of the Member States outside the scope of application of the EU private international law regulations. The areas concerned may include property law, family law, company law, etc. A comprehensive comparative study is missing in this field. In order to map the similarities and differences of the approaches of the private international law of the Member States, national reports will be prepared. Based on these national reports, a general report will be produced.

The conference will consist of a morning session where overriding mandatory rules will be discussed in a general way (e.g., the appearance of overriding mandatory provisions in property law, family law, arbitration, their interconnection with human rights, etc.) and an afternoon workshop where participants will discuss the outcome of the national reports and the conclusions of the general report.

If you are interested in the research project or the activity of the Young EU Private International Law Research Network, please do not hesitate to contact us (