Third-party effects of assignments: BIICL event on 3 July 2018

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law is organising an event to be held on 3 July on the recent developments pertaining to third-party effects of assignment.

Time: 16:30 – 19.00 (Registration open from 16:00)

Venue: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP

The panel of distinguished speakers will discuss the recent proposal for an EU Regulation on the law applicable to third-party effects of assignment. The Rome I Regulation regulates contractual aspects of assignment but for a prolonged period of time the third-party aspects of assignment were surrounded by haze. Third-party effects of assignment are notoriously important in certain industries, such as securitisation and factors. Speakers involved in the preparatory work leading up to the proposal reflect on the operation of the proposal in practice.
Further details can be found here.