Private International Law in Film
Can we teach private international law through film? Yes we can, and not only through Green Card. Three sources in Spanish provide ample material, including some for non-Spanish speakers.
The first, most comprehensive and academic one, comes from the Proyecto DeCine, a network of Spanish law professors interested in teaching law through film. The result is a fabulous book full with detailed didactic materials on different films, which is also available for free online. Several of the films discussed are in English or exist in translation.
The second source, a series of blog posts by Angel Espiniella Menéndez, professor for private international law at the University Oviedo, provides valuable recommendations, organized by subject matter, in monthly instalments. So far, he has provided five: person and capacity, protection of minors, parentage, marriage, and breakdown of marriage. Hopefully, more are coming
Finally, provides a rather eccentric list of ten private international law related movies with some unexpected themes: Titanic for international family law, The Martian for conflicts with Martian law, etc. Only for the daring.
But all of this is in Spanish. Who has recommendations in other languages? Or who writes the guide in English?