is back!

We’re very sorry for our disappearance over the last week or so, and we’re grateful to those of you who alerted members of our team to the problems in accessing the site. As it transpired, the problem was quite a serious one, and it has involved a great deal of fuss and bother to resolve it. But we are now back, and we’re back for good.

Those technical problems, however, have also highlighted the need for to be cared for properly, which I no longer have the time to do. I created this website back in April 2006, with the simple aim of keeping up-to-date on a large and complex subject that I was researching as a postgrad. Since then, the site has grown beyond all measure, and that really is down to the core of committed scholars who keep the content interesting and useful for us all. It is time that we allowed other colleagues to steer the future of this website, and take it forward into the next decade. I’m very pleased to say that Giesela Rühl and Matthias Weller have offered to take on that responsibility, and I wish them every success. I shall be cheering them on from the sidelines as, like all of you, I will remain an avid reader of

All the best, Martin George