The circulation of people and their family status in a globalized world: the foreigner’s family

Bringing together a team of researchers from Europe and Brazil (Universidade de São Paulo), the Center of Family Law of the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, organizes an international seminar entitled:

The circulation of people and their family status in a globalized world: the foreigner’s family

The Seminar will take place in Lyon, wednesday, November 23, 2016, with the following program:

Morning: 9h – 12h30
What is a “foreigner”? Between regionalization and globalization, J.-S. Bergé and P. Casella (9h – 9h30)

I – The dimensions of the foreigner’s family
Presidency: P. Casella

– In the European area, Fulchiron H., A. Slimani, L. Sorisole (9h30 – 10h)
– In the South American area, G. Cerqueira (10h- 10h30)
– Debate: A. Bonomi (subject) (10h30 to 10h45)

Coffee Break: 10h45 – 11h

II – The integration of the foreigner’s family (social rights, integration policies)
Chair: F. Menezes

– In the European area, B. Baret, L. Eck (11h – 11h30)
– In the South American area, F. Menezes, D. Cordeiro (11h30 – 12h)
– Debate: Discussion A. Bonomi (subject) (12h – 12h30)

Lunch: 12h30 to 2h15

III – The protection of the foreigner’s family (entry, residence permit, displacement)
Chair: C. Moises

– Protection of fundamental rights, L. RobertC. Moises (14h15 – 14h45)
– Protection by special statutes (political areas, economic areas), E. Durand, G. Monaco (14h45 – 15h15)

Coffee Break: 15h15 – 15h30

– Debate:  A. Bonomi (subject) (15h30 –  16h30)
– Closing, G. Monaco, H. Fulchiron (16h30 – 17h)


Seminar Directors: Hugues Fulchiron and Gustavo Monaco

Language: French

Venue: 15, quai Claude Bernard, Lyon, France – Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (Salle Caillemer)

No participation fee.