XV World Congress Procedural Law (IAPL) – Istanbul 25-28 May 2015
The XVth World Congress of the International Association of Procedural Law will be held in Istanbul from 25-28 May 2015.
The Congress is dedicated to Effective judicial relief and remedies in an age of austerity.
The key note speeches will be given by Richard Marcus (Hastings College of Law) and Teresa Wambier (Sao Paolo University). The presentations of the General reports will focus on:
- Interim relief (Muhammet Özekes and David Bamford)
- Relief in small and simplified matters (Xandra Kramer and Shusuke Kakiuchi)
- Civil constraints on personal mobility (Soraya Amrani Mekki and Dirk van Heule)
- Coercive in personam orders (Selçuk Öztek and Antony TH Smith)
- Reform of institutions (Baki Kuru and Hakan Pekcan?tez)
For the last session on Forms of relief there is a Call for papers (open till 31 March).
For more information and registration visit the Congress website.