Staudinger, Article 43-46 EGBGB International Property Law. Revised edition 2015 by Heinz-Peter Mansel

Staudinger, Article 43-46 EGBGB International Property Law. Author: Heinz-Peter Mansel. Editor: Dieter Henrich. Revised edition 2015 (Publication date: December 2014), XLVI and 1057 pages

The “Staudinger” is a comprehensive commentary of the German Civil Code, including Private International Law, and a reliable source of academic and practice-oriented expert information on the structure,  changes and developments in national and international legislation, court rulings and literature, including the European Union law. The new extensive volume deals with the private international law concerning property.

The German International Property Law, the International Securities Law, the International Law of Expropriation and the Treaties and EU Directives concerning the International Law of Cultural Assets are illustrated. The Commentary also contains an introduction to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the protocols thereto. In addition, national reports on 117 legal systems are included. They offer  references to the International and Substantive Property Law. Provisions of International Property Law are often printed (in German or in English). Explanations concerning the  German international legal relations on Property Law are provided for the, from the practical German point of view, most important legal systems.

The author is the Director of the Institute of Foreign Private and Private International Law of the University of Cologne and a Director at the International Investment Law Centre Cologne (IILCC). He holds the Chair for Private Law, Private International Law, Civil Procedure Law and Comparative Law of the University of Cologne and is the Managing Editor of the law journal Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax).