De Miguel on Derecho Privado de Internet (5th edn)

The fifth edition of Derecho privado de internet (Thomson Reuters Civitas, 1150 pages), by Professor Pedro De Miguel Asensio (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) has just been published. This well-known treatise cover a wide range of areas of Internet regulation and the ordering of Internet activities with a particular focus on Private Law and Conflict of Laws aspects.

As noted by Prof. Gerald Spindler in his review of the previous edition of this book in the Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law (JIPITEC), 2012, pp. 88-90: “De Miguel’s book is indeed an encyclopedia of Internet law, with special regard to its implementation in Spain. The effort to undertake such a comparative legal work is huge, and it is the only way to cope with the global phenomenon of the Internet. The book is highly recommendable for everyone engaged in electronic commerce and Internet law as a rich source of information that spans all kinds of legal areas, thus making it indispensable for European lawyers in these fields”.

Further information on the new edition is available on the publisher’s website.