Conference on the Brussels I Recast

On 28 and 29 November 2014, the Verona University Department of Law will host a conference on “International Litigation in Europe : the Brussels I Recast as a panacea?”. The conference will take place in Verona. The conference language will be English. Registration is possible via email:

More information is available here. The programme reads as follows:

Friday, November 28, 2014

  • 13.30 Registration
  • 14.00 Welcome and opening remarks
    Prof. Gottardi, University of Verona
    Prof. Ferrari, University of Verona/NYU
  • 14.10 Greetings
    Avv. Cristiano, AIJA National Representative, Italy

I Session: The Recast as a political compromise

  • 14.20 Goals of the Recast
    Prof. Pocar, University of Milan
  • 14.45 The (still limited) territorial scope of application of the new Regime
    Prof. Carbone, University of Genoa
  • 15.10 The arbitration exception
    Prof. Radicati di Brozolo, University of Milan
  • 15.35 Discussion

II Session: The special and mandatory rules on jurisdiction

  • 15.50 A new head of jurisdiction in relation to the recovery of cultural objects
    Prof. Gebauer, University of Tübingen
  • 16.15 Enhancing protection for the weaker parties: the jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment
    Prof. Cafari Panico, University of Milan)
  • 16.40 The consumer’s jurisdictional privilege in the ECJ case law
    Prof. Rühl, University of Jena
  • 17.05 Discussion
  • 17.20 Coffee Break

III Session: Party autonomy and choice-of-court agreements

  • 17.50 The role of party autonomy in the allocation of jurisdiction in contractual matters
    Prof. Mankowski, University of Hamburg
  • 18.15 Towards a broadened effectiveness of choice-of-court agreements in the European judicial area?
    Prof. Queirolo, University of Genoa)
  • 18.40 The enforcement of choice-of-court agreements in Europe: is there any consistency in case law?
    Prof. Villata, University of Milan)
  • 19.05 Discussion
  • 19.20 End of first conference day
  • 20.30 Dinner

Saturday, November 29, 2014

IV Session: Coordination of legal proceedings and provisional measures

  • 09.00 The end of torpedoes?
    Prof. Nielsen, University of Copenhagen
  • 09.25 Provisional measures in the new Regime
    Prof. Garcimartín Alférez, Autónoma University of Madrid
  • 09.50 Discussion

V Session: Cross-border recognition and enforcement

  • 10.05 The free circulation of judgments and the abolition of exequatur
    Prof. Pfeiffer, University of Heidelberg
  • 10.30 The exceptions to recognition and enforcement
    Prof. Fumagalli, University of Milan
  • 10.55 Discussion
  • 11.10 Coffee break

VI Session: The Brussels I Recast in the International Arena

  • 11.40 The Brussels I Recast and the Lugano Convention: which rules for the outer world?
    Prof. Malatesta, Carlo Cattaneo University
  • 12.05 The Brussels I Recast and the Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements: convergences and divergences
    Dr. Ragno, University of Verona
  • 12.30 The Brussels I Recast and the Unified Patent Court Agreement: towards an enhanced patent litigation system?
    Prof. Marongiu Buonaiuti, University of Macerata
  • 12.55 Discussion

Closing remarks

  • 13.10 Closing Remarks
    Prof. Pocar, University of Milan
  • 13.30 End of the conference