Book on Rome Regulations and Maritime Law

For all interested in the maritime conflict of laws there is a book titled Regulations Rome I and Rome II and Maritime Law available here. This book is published by Giappichelli Editore and comes as a result of an EU funded project. Editors are Evangelos Vassilakakis, Nikolay Natov and Reuben Balzan and the contents include:

I. Regulations (EC) n. 593/2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (“Rome I”) and (EC) n. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (“Rome II”) (C. Esplugues Mota, G. Palao Moreno, C. Azcárraga Monzonís – Spain).
II. Marine insurance contracts under the Rome I and Brussels I Regulations: c?nflict of laws and jurisdiction issues (E. Vassilakakis, V. Kourtis – Greece).
III. The discipline of maritime transport contracts under the Rome I and Brussels I Regulations: conflict of laws and jurisdictional issues (I. Queirolo, C. Cellerino – Italy).
IV. Collisions and maritime salvage (Reuben Balzan, Keith A. Borg, Carlos Bugeja – Malta).
V. Maritime environmental delict/tort (N. Natov, B.a Musseva, V. Pandov, D. Sarbinova, Z.i Ianakiev, I. Kirchev, M. Stankov – Bulgaria).