Italian Book on the Succession Regulation

 The Italian publisher Giuffrè has recently published Il diritto internazionale privato europeo delle successioni mortis causa [The EU Private International Law of Succession upon Death], edited by Pietro Franzina and Antonio Leandro, with a preface by Karen Vandekerckhove.

The book is a collection of essays, in Italian, covering a variety of issues in connection with Regulation No 650/2012 of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession.

In an introductory paper, Pietro Franzina (University of Ferrara) examines the reasons for unifying private international law rules in succession matters in Europe and the main policy options underlying the new instrument. Giacomo Biagioni (University of Cagliari) deals in his contribution with the scope of application of Regulation No 650/2012 and with the relationship entertained by the latter with other texts – international conventions and EU legislative acts – that may come into play in respect of cross-border successions.

Antonio Leandro (University of Bari) explores the rules laid down by the Regulation as regards jurisdiction in matters of succession. The provisions determining the law applicable to succession are examined from a general perspective by Domenico Damascelli (University of Salento), while Bruno Barel (University of Padova) focuses on the conflict-of-laws issues raised by agreements as to succession.

Elena D’Alessandro (University of Torino) analyses in her paper the rules relating to the recognition, the enforceability and the enforcement of judgments and court settlements, whereas the contribution of Paolo Pasqualis (Italian Council of Notaries) is concerned with the movement of authentic instruments relating to succession matters across Europe. The newly instituted European Certificate of Succession is the object of a paper by Fabio Padovini (University of Trieste). Finally, Emanuele Calò (Italian Council of Notaries) provides an overview of the main features of the substantive regulation of succession upon death from a comparative perspective.

The table of contents of the book may be downloaded here.