European Parliament Conference on Civil Law and Justice

A workshop on civil law and justice will take place next Wednesday, 23 January, at the European Parliament, entitled “Do EU citizens enjoy free movement“. The opening panel will present the latest developments in the case-law of the Court of Justice on civil law, with a special focus on EU citizenship; the Irish Presidency planning for the area of civil law will follow. Session I will address Private International Law from a general point of view, comprising among others the intervention of our editor Xandra Kramer on the study (downloadable here) “Current gaps and future prospects in European private international law: towards a code of private international law?”. Session II will focus on family and succession law, therefore on topics such as the questions left unresolved in Regulation 650/2012 (Prof. Burkhard Hess of the Max Planck Institut Luxembourg), the rules governing surrogacy in the EU Member States (Laurence Brunet, London School of Economics), the cross-border implications of the legal protection of adults (Phillipe Lortie and Maja Groff, from the Hague Conference on Private International Law, and Richard Frimston, Solicitor, Russell-Cook Solicitors, Member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), or the legal basis for the way forward in the field of family law (Aude Fiorini, Dundee Law School). In Session III, consecrated to civil status, the speakers will address fraud with respect to civil status ( Duncan Macniven, President of  The International Commission on Civil Status, former Registrar General for Scotland), together with day-to-day matters in cross-border relationships, such as the challenges for civil registrars in circumventing problems stemming from the legal vacuum in as far as civil status documents are concerned (Dr Bojana Zadravec, Vice-President of European Association of Registrars).

Click here for the whole programme.

Venue: Room JAN4Q2, European Parliament, Brussels.