Call for Papers

ASIL-ESIL International Legal Theory Workshop Call for Papers

ASIL’s International Legal Theory Interest Group, in partnership with the European Society of International Law (ESIL) Interest Group on International Legal Theory, will hold a joint works-in-progress workshop at the University of Cambridge’s Lauterpacht Centre for International Law September 27–28, 2012.
The workshop’s theme is “Transatlantic Debates in International Legal Theory.” On many levels, the interaction between North American international legal scholarship and its European counterpart(s) is working very well. Time and again, however, one finds that the underlying theoretical or philosophical framework is radically different. In this workshop we would like to explore that difference without letting ourselves be defined by it. Contributions analyzing, criticizing, denying or celebrating the difference are welcome, as well as papers exemplifying the various theoretical approaches to international law, be they “American,” “European,” or neither. The most important function of this workshop is to intensify the transatlantic theoretical debate by bringing together scholars with diverse disciplinary, philosophical, and methodological perspectives to discuss cutting-edge research on international legal theory.
Up to 12 papers will be selected for presentation. Although discussants will be assigned to introduce the papers, all workshop participants will be expected to read all of the contributions in advance and come prepared to contribute to the discussion.  Interested participants should submit an abstract (1,000 words maximum) summarizing the ideas they propose to develop for presentation at the workshop. Submissions on all topics related to international legal theory are encouraged, but preference will be given to proposals that engage the workshop’s theme. Papers that have been accepted for publication prior to the workshop are eligible for consideration, provided that they will not appear in print before the workshop.

Abstract submissions should be sent to  by April 20, 2012. Successful applicants will be notified by May 11, 2012. Papers must be fully drafted and ready for circulation to participants by August 31, 2012. Questions regarding the workshop may be directed to Evan Criddle ( ) or Jörg Kammerhofer ( ).