Promoting a Spanish Law on International Civil Cooperation

In 2000, the Spanish Civil Procedure Act stated that within six months after its entry into force the Government would propose a draft law on international cooperation. Many years have elapsed, and the law, obviously needed, has not yet seen the light. The last Foro de Arbitraje y Litigación Internacional, celebrated in FIDE (Fundación para la Investigación sobre el Derecho y la Empresa) in February, addressed the issue, having F.J. Garcimartín Alférez (professor of private international law) and A. Mejía Errasquín (General Director for International Legal Cooperation and Relations with the Confessions of the Ministry of Justice) as speakers. Numerous references were made to a draft prepared in 2001 by M. Virgos Soriano, professor of private international law, where all the important issues of a future law on international cooperation, especially exequatur, are dealt with. For those interested in this topic here is a summary of the meeting.

Many thanks to Carlos Espósito, of  aquiescencia.