Heinze on Choice of Court Agreements, Coordination of Proceedings and Provisional Measures

Christian Heinze (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and PIL) has posted Choice of Court Agreements, Coordination of Proceedings and Provisional Measures in the Reform of the Brussels I Regulation on SSRN. The abstract reads:

In December 2010, the European Commission published a Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, the Brussels I Regulation. The Commission proposes significant amendments which would considerably change the structure of the Brussels Regulation. In view of these developments in an area which is central for European cooperation in civil matters and the development of European private international law in general, the following paper will give a first assessment of the Commission Proposal. It will focus on the changes proposed for choice of court agreements (II), for coordination of legal proceedings (III), and for provisional measures (IV).

The paper is forthcoming in the Rabels Zeitschrift für Ausländisches und Internationales Privatrecht.