European Parliament’s Working Document on the Amendment of the Rome II Regulation

On May 25, 2011, the Committee of Legal Affairs (Rapporteur: Diane Wallis) of the European Parliament has issued a Working Document on the amendment of Regulation (EC) No 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II). The Working Paper discusses the desirability to fill the gap in the Regulation on the applicable law to non-contractual obligations arising out of violations of privacy and rights relating to personality.

Readers will recall that Conflictoflaws.Net had organized an online symposium on this topic last summer. We are delighted that the Rapporteur found the contributions “thoughtful and thought-provoking”, although the range of views expressed had made her task no easier. The Rapporteur made particular mention of the proposal of Professor Jan von Hein, indicating that she found his approach “balanced and reasonable”.