Commercial Conflict of Laws Course – Sydney Summer School in Oxford, July 2011

As part of the University of Sydney’s Summer School Programme, there will be a Commercial Conflict of Laws course at Magdelen College, Oxford on 11-12 and 14-15 July 2011. It will be taught by Andrew Bell and Andrew Dickinson. From the website:


  • Focus on commercial disputes with a transnational dimension.
  • Determine the features which characterise transnational commercial litigation, where the forum is itself a matter of dispute.
  • Identify and apply techniques for determining the law applicable to contractual and non-contractual claims.
  • Compare and contrast the approaches to commercial private international law topics in Australia, UK and the European Union


The importance of venue in commercial litigation; Australian, UK and European approaches to jurisdiction; techniques of forum control; the law relating to anti-suit injunctions; the role of jurisdiction and arbitration agreements; introduction and ascertainment of foreign law; provisional measures, including freezing injunctions; rules of applicable law for contractual and non-contractual claims; and the distinction between substance and procedure..

The course is open to everyone, and may be of special interest to Australian lawyers working in London. Further details can be found on Sydney’s website.