Vacancy at The Hague Conference

Vacancy at the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference

By reason of a vacancy as a result of the expected retirement of one of the staff members as of 30 June 2011, a post as a staff member at the diplomatic level will be open at the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private International Law , beginning between 15 May and 1 July 2011 for a lawyer with good knowledge of private international law.

The number of Secretaries to the Permanent Bureau has been raised to five since 2008.

The Netherlands Standing Government Committee, instituted by Royal Decree of 20 February 1897, with a view to promoting the codification of private international law, has begun the procedure for recruitment of a highly qualified new official and for this purpose has drawn up a profile for the candidacy, which can be found below for information.

Written applications with an extensive curriculum vitae including publications, should be addressed to the Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, before 1 October 2010, at the address indicated below.

The candidates whose applications are retained will be invited to an interview with the members of a special committee named by the President of the Netherlands Standing Government Committee.

Permanent Bureau | Bureau Permanent
6, Scheveningseweg    2517 KT The Hague | La Haye   The Netherlands | Pays-Bas
telephone | téléphone  +31 (70) 363 3303   fax | télécopieur  +31 (70) 360 4867
e-mail | courriel    website | site internet

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Vacancy at the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference
(beginning between 15 May and 1 July 2011)

Lawyer of high level, with good knowledge of private international law

–        Law school education in private law, including conflicts of laws, preferably in the common law tradition, familiarity with comparative law (substantive and procedural law). Knowledge of public international law including the law of treaties and human rights law desirable.

–        Excellent drafting capabilities are important (e.g. dissertation, law review or other publication experience will be taken into account).

–        At least 10 to 15 years experience or experience in practice of law desirable. Experience of international negotiations an advantage.

–        Excellent command, preferably as native language and both spoken and written, of at least one of the working languages of the Hague Conference (French and English), with good command of the other; knowledge of other languages desirable.

–        Personal qualities to contribute to: a good, co-operative working atmosphere both within the Permanent Bureau and in relation with representatives of Members; the administration of the Permanent Bureau; representation of the Hague Conference with other international organisations.

–        The job requires more or less frequent travel to both neighbouring and distant countries.

–        Medical clearance required.

–        The position contemplated for the staff member corresponding to the profile would be in one of the steps of A3/4 of the international co-ordinated organisations.

The person appointed will be expected to take a leadership role in respect of particular areas of work within the Permanent Bureau. Applications will be particularly welcome from persons with experience in the field of international family law and international child protection.