First 2010 Special Issue of Gazette du Palais on International Litigation

The last issue of French daily legal journal Gazette du Palais dedicated to european and international litigation (Contentieux judiciaire européen et international) was released on May 29th, 2010.

In a first piece, Marie-Laure Niboyet and Mathias Audit, who are both professors at Paris X Nanterre University discuss the recent decisions rendered by French courts in the Vivendi case (L’affaire Vivendi Universal SA ou comment une class action diligentée aux États-Unis renouvelle le droit du contentieux international en France).

In a second piece, two French judges, Nicolas Castell (who is currently seconded to the French Ministry of Justice) and Michel de Lapasse, offer an analysis of the revision of the Brussels I Regulation (La révision du règlement Bruxelles I à la suite de la publication du livre vert de la Commission – Perspectives et opportunités).

Finally, the Gazette offers various short reports and casenotes.

Articles of the Gazette can be downloaded here by suscribers to Lextenso.