New publication on Israeli PIL

Private International Law in Israel

by Prof Talia Einhorn

Visiting Professor of Law / Indiana University School of Law

Visiting Senior Research Fellow / Tel-Aviv University Faculty of Management

Kluwer Law International


396 pages

ISBN: 9041128670

ISBN-13: 9789041128676

Israel’s PIL is not codified, nor is it clearly traceable to any one legal system. Since the style and method of legal development in Israel has primarily followed the tradition of the common law, the author first critically analyzes the case law to draw the pertinent rules. However, the study does not confine itself to the rules already existing in Israeli PIL, but establishes rules in areas where such are missing, guided by the methods and principles which the court and legislature would have adopted had they been confronted with these problems.

Subjects covered in the book include:
– national and international sources of Israeli PIL;
– types of choice-of-law rules;
– characterization of legal matters;
– natural and legal persons;
– contractual and non-contractual obligations;
– property law (movables, immovables, trusts, cultural property)
– intellectual and industrial property rights;
– companies organized under the civil or commercial law of any state;
– insolvency;
– family law and succession;
– scope of international jurisdiction in Israeli courts;
– proof of foreign law;
– judicial assistance;
– recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements;
– international arbitration; and
– the role of literature and legal doctrine.