ERA Conference: Cross-Border insolvency proceedings

On 26-27 March 2009 a conference on Cross-Border insolvency proceedings will be held at the Academy of European Law in Trier.  The abstract reads:

When the assets belonging to an insolvent debtor are situated in different EU Member States, crossborder insolvency will often give rise to conflicts that need to be resolved by applying Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 on Insolvency Proceedings.

The Regulation sets up a legal framework that contributes significantly to the better functioning of the Internal Market. It includes conflict-of-law rules as well as rules on jurisdiction, and provides for uniformity of insolvency proceedings by means of mutual recognition within the EU. The Regulation is one very useful element of facilitating cross-border insolvency cases. By now, national courts have several years of practical experience with the Regulation. Concerning the interpretation of the Regulation’s material provisions, much has been clarified or established through court authorities.

However, much remains unresolved and will be the subject of extensive judicial activity in the future.
The conference will focus on the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities, offering an indepth analysis of the recent jurisprudence and discussing cases still pending.

On the second conference day, enterprise groups’ insolvencies will be discussed. Finally, the conference will concentrate on recent developments in national insolvency and turnaround laws.