Vol. 3, Issue 1, Journal of Private International Law

The new issue of the Journal of Private International Law, Volume 3, Issue 1 (April 2007), will be published shortly. The contents are (click on the links below to view the abstract):

Canada and the US Contemplate Changes to Foreign-Judgment Enforcement by Vaughan Black (Professor, Dalhousie Law School, Halifax)

The Rome I Proposal by Ole Lando & Peter Arnt Nielson (Copenhagen Business School)

Third-Country Mandatory Rules in the Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieu? by Andrew Dickinson (Consultant, Clifford Chance LLP; Visiting Fellow in Private International Law, BIICL)

Choice-of-Law Rules for Electronic Consumer Contracts: Replacement of The Rome Convention by the Rome I Regulation by Lorna Gillies (Lecturer in Law, University of Leicester)

Parties’ Choice of Law in E-Consumer Contracts by Zheng Tang (Lecturer in Law, University of Aberdeen)

Choice of Law in Maritime Torts by Martin P. George (PhD Candidate & Postgraduate Teaching Assistant, University of Birmingham)

The European Convention on Human Rights and English Private International Law by Ben Juratowitch (DPhil candidate, University of Oxford)

Child Abduction: Convention “Rights of Custody” – Who Decides? An Anglo-Spanish Perspective by Kisch Beevers (University of Sheffield) & Javier Peréz Milla (University of Zaragoza)

Book Review: J. Meeusen, M. Pertegàs and G. Straetmans (eds) Enforcement of International Contracts in the European Union: Convergence and Divergence between Brussels I and Rome I by Lorna Gillies (Lecturer in Law, University of Leicester)

For those who haven’t yet subscribed to the Journal of Private International Law, subscription information can be found here. In addition to the Journal itself, you will also receive online access to all of the articles (current subscribers will be able to download the articles linked to above straight away).