Second Issue 2007 of “Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale”

The second issue for 2007 of the Rivista di diritto internazionale privato e processuale (RDIPP, published by CEDAM, Padova), one of Italy’s leading journals in private international law, has been recently published. All the articles in this issue are in Italian, and unfortunately just an English translation of the titles is available, but no abstract. Here’s the list:


  • A. Malatesta (University of Castellanza “Carlo Cattaneo” – LIUC), The State of Origin Principle and Conflict of Law Provisions after Directive 2006/123/EC on Services in the Internal Market: Is the Game Over? (Principio dello Stato di origine e norme di conflitto dopo la direttiva 2006/123/CE sui servizi nel mercato interno: una partita finita?);
  • A. Bonomi (University of Lausanne), Some Issues on the Desirability of Erga Omnes Community Rules on Jurisdiction and Possible Solutions (Sull’opportunità e le possibili modalità di una regolamentazione comunitaria della competenza giurisdizionale applicabile erga omnes).


  • V. Colandrea (University of Naples “Federico II”), A Recent Arbitral Order of the International Chamber of Commerce on Cautio Iudicatum Solvi (La cautio iudicatum solvi alla luce di una recente ordinanza arbitrale della Camera di commercio internazionale);
  • S. Crespi (University of Milan), Cross-Border Mergers before the EC Court of Justice: the Sevic Case (Le fusioni transfrontaliere davanti alla Corte di giustizia: il caso Sevic).

The RDIPP is not available online (for subscription information, refer to the publisher’s website, CEDAM).

An archive of the TOCs since 1998 is available on the ESSPER website (an online project for indexing articles of Italian journals and working papers in law and other social sciences, headed by the library of LIUC University of Castellanza).