JHA Council Session (6-7 December 2007): Rome I Regulation and New Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support

On 6 and 7 December the Justice and Home Affairs Council will hold its 2838th session in Brussels, under the Portuguese Presidency. Among the “Justice” issues, scheduled for Friday 7th, the Presidency will inform about the agreement reached with the European Parliament on the Rome I Regulation (see our post on the EP report and legislative resolution at first reading). Here’s an excerpt from the background note:

The Presidency will inform the Council about a first reading agreement reached with the European Parliament on a Proposal for a Regulation of the law applicable to contractual obligations. […] Numerous informal meetings have been held with the European Parliament with a view to reaching a first reading agreement in the framework of the co-decision procedure. The European Parliament adopted its report on 29 November 2007.

As regards the JHA “External Relations” issues, the Presidency will inform on the outcome of the diplomatic conference on the new Convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenance. The Convention, that was drafted in the frame of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (of which the EC is a member since April 2007), was finalised at the end of the twenty-first session of the diplomatic conference, held in The Hague from 5 to 23 November 2007, along with a Protocol on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations (see the HCCH’s press release). It was signed on the same day by the United States of America. The text of the Convention and Protocol, and the preliminary documents, are available on the HCCH website.