Seminar: Substance and Procedure in the Law Applicable to Torts – Harding v Wealands & the Rome II Regulation

BIICLSubstance and Procedure in the Law Applicable to Torts – Harding v Wealands and the Rome II Regulation

Seminar at the British Institute of International & Comparative Law

Tuesday 21 November 2006 17:00 to 19:00
Location: Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP


This seminar is part of the British Institute's seminar series on private international law which will run throughout the Autumn of 2006 and well into 2007 entitled Private International Law in the UK: Current Topics and Changing Landscapes, sponsored by Herbert Smith.

For more information, see the BIICL website.

Those who attended the launch seminar on 24th October may be interested to know that a transcript is now available on the BIICL website (Institute members only.)