Out Now: Calliess (ed.), Rome Regulations, 2nd ed. 2015

The second edition of “Rome Regulations: Commentary on the European Rules of the Conflict of Laws”, edited by Gralf-Peter Calliess (Chair for Private Law, Private International Law, International Business Law and Legal Theory, University of Bremen), has just been published by Wolters Kluwer (1016 pp, 250 €). The second edition provides a systematic and profound article-by-article commentary on the Rome I, II and III Regulations. It has been extensively updated and rewritten to take account of recent legal developments and jurisprudence in the field of determining the law applicable to contractual (Rome I) and non-contractual (Rome II) obligations. It also contains a completely new commentary on the Rome III Regulation regarding the law applicable to divorce and separation. The aim of the book is to provide expert guidance from a team of leading German, Austrian and Swiss private international law scholars to judges, lawyers, and practitioners throughout Europe and beyond.

In her review of the first edition, my dear fellow conflictoflaws.net co-editor Giesela Rühl complained about a lack of diversity, pointing out that the circle of authors consisted exclusively of younger, male scholars (RabelsZ 77 [2013], p. 413, 415 in fn. 6). Well, not only have we male authors grown older since then; we now have quite a number of distinguished female colleagues on board, too: Susanne Augenhofer, Katharina de la Durantaye, Kathrin Kroll-Ludwigs, Eva Lein and Marianne Roth. For further details, see here.

“This book does what it promises, which is to provide judges and practitioners with easy access to the contents and interpretation of provisions of the Rome I and II Regulations. The thoroughness of the commentaries on most of the provisions also makes it a recommended read for scholars needing a quick orientation regarding several provisions, or wanting to make sure they have not missed out on important background information. A welcome addition to the various topic-based treatises regarding Rome I and II Regulations, the book has succeeded in its goal of furthering the valuable German tradition in terms of the European discourse.” (Xandra Kramer, review of the first edition, Common Market L. Rev. 2014, p. 335, 337)