Conference on “European Minimum Standards for Judicial Bodies”, University of Regensburg on 12/13 November 2015

Matthias Weller is Professor for Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Private International Law at the EBS University for Economics and Law Wiesbaden and Director of the Research Center for Transnational Commercial Dispute Resolution ( of the EBS Law School.

Mutual trust amongst the Member States of the European Union in other legal systems is a prerequisite for the expansion of the free movement of judgments and judicial titles within the European Judicial Area. To justify such mutual trust amongst the European Member States requires, inter alia, the definition of common minimum standards in the various judicial systems.

A joint project between the law faculties of the University of Regensburg (Prof. Dr. Christoph Althammer) and the EBS Law School in Wiesbaden (Prof. Dr. Matthias Weller, Mag.rer.publ.) has set itself the goal to search for and explore further such minimum standards in the judicial systems within the European Judicial Area. After the first conference in Wiesbaden in 2014 (see conference report earlier on this blog here), where the discussion has been initiated from a broader perspective, the project will be continued with the upcoming two-days-conference in Regensburg (conference language: German) that is dedicated to a central issue within this field: European minimum standards for judicial bodies.

The focus will be on three main requirements (independence, efficiency, specialization) which will be presented by experts from both academia and legal practice. These topics will be complemented by a legal comparative analysis with regard to the French, Greek and Italian legal system before the discussion will conclude with a final synthesis.

We would like to cordially invite you to join the discussion! For registration and the conference flyer see here.